Welcome to SLUDGE - Scripting Language for Unhindered Development of a Gaming Environment. This is the help file for the SLUDGE Development Kit. It also serves as a reference manual for the SLUDGE language. Contained in this documentation should be all you need to know about creating a game using SLUDGE. If, after hunting for a few days, you give up and didn't find the answer you were after, please visit the GitHub page and get involved by creating an issue!
Information, and lots of it. Specifically, information about the following...
Introduction to SLUDGE Concepts
SLUDGE Language Reference Manual
Big ol' playable demos for you to muck about with. The closest you're going to get to anything like that is when you stumble across a 5 or 10 line example of how a built-in function works. If you want examples to mess with, you'll have to go online and download them...
Here's hoping your SLUDGE experience is a good one - and remember, have fun!
SLUDGE and this SLUDGE documentation are copyright Hungry Software and contributors 2000-2012