- Welcome to SLUDGE!
- SLUDGE Language Reference Manual
- Alphabetical List of Built-in Functions
- addCharacter
- addOverlay
- addScreenRegion
- addStatus
- aimCamera
- alignStatus
- anim
- animate
- blankArea
- blankScreen
- bodgeFilenames
- cacheSound
- callEvent
- cancelSub
- captureAllKeys
- clearStatus
- completeTimers
- copyStack
- costume
- darkBackground
- deleteFile
- deleteFromStack and deleteAllFromStack
- dequeue
- enqueue
- fetchEvent
- fileExists
- floatCharacter
- forceCharacter
- freeSound
- freeze
- getCharacterDirection
- getCharacterScale
- getFramesPerSecond
- getLanguageID
- getMatchingFiles
- getMouseScreenX and getMouseScreenY
- getMouseX and getMouseY
- getObjectX and getObjectY
- getOverObject
- getPixelColour (getPixelColor)
- getSoundCache
- getStatusText
- hardScroll
- hasFlag
- hideCharacter
- howFrozen
- inFont
- isCharacter
- isMoving
- isScreenRegion
- jumpCharacter
- launch
- lightStatus
- loadCustomData and saveCustomData
- loadGame
- loopSound
- mixOverlay
- moveCharacter
- newStack
- normalCharacter
- onFocusChange
- onKeyboard
- onLeftMouse
- onLeftMouseUp
- onMoveMouse
- onRightMouse
- onRightMouseUp
- parallaxAdd
- parallaxClear
- pasteCharacter
- pasteImage
- pasteString and burnString
- pause
- pauseMovie
- pickOne
- playMovie
- playSound
- popFromStack
- positionStatus
- pushToStack
- quitGame
- quitWithFatalError
- random
- removeAllCharacters
- removeAllScreenRegions
- removeCharacter
- removeLastStatus
- removeScreenRegion
- rename
- renameFile
- saveGame
- say and think
- setBackgroundEffect and doBackgroundEffect
- setBlankColour (setBlankColor)
- setBurnColour (setBurnColor)
- setCharacterAngleOffset
- setCharacterAntiAliasing
- setCharacterColourise
- setCharacterDrawMode
- setCharacterExtra
- setCharacterSpinSpeed
- setCharacterTransparency
- setCharacterWalkSpeed
- setCostume
- setCursor
- setCustomEncoding
- setDefaultMusicVolume
- setDefaultSoundVolume
- setFloor
- setFont
- setFontSpacing
- setLightMap
- setLitStatusColour (setLitStatusColor)
- setMaximumAntiAliasing
- setMusicVolume
- setPasteColour (setPasteColor)
- setScale
- setSceneDimensions
- setSoundLoopPoints
- setSoundVolume
- setSpeechMode
- setSpeechSpeed
- setStatusColour (setStatusColor)
- setThumbnailSize
- setZBuffer
- showBoxes
- showCharacter
- showFloor
- showThumbnail
- skipSpeech
- snapshotClear
- snapshotGrab
- somethingSpeaking
- spawnSub
- stackSize
- startMusic
- statusText
- stopCharacter
- stopMovie
- stopMusic
- stopSound
- stringLength
- stringWidth
- substring
- transitionMode and transitionLevel
- turnCharacter and spinCharacter
- unfreeze
- wait
- zoomCamera
- Built-in Constants
- File Handling
- Functions (subs)
- Loops and Conditionals
- Multiple Languages in a Single Game
- Object Types and Events
- Scrolling Scenes
- The Background Image
- The World's Easiest Load/Save Mechanism
- Using Audio in SLUDGE
- Using Constants in SLUDGE
- Variables
- Alphabetical List of Built-in Functions
- The Programs
- SLUDGE Linux Help